ADT® Authorized Dealer Serving Muncie & Surrounding Areas
close up of a lady adjusting the security panel
March 01, 2022

How To Reset Your Muncie System

One perk of having your home security hooked up by professionals is that you seldom need to concern yourself with it. However, there may be a couple situations when you have to reset your alarms in Muncie. If you use a smart command hub, your system reset usually takes one or two button tap following occurrences like battery changes, power outages, and false alarms.

Check Your Owner’s Manual Before Resetting Your Alarm

Here’s a simple yet valuable tip before you start resetting your Muncie home security system, consult your instruction manual prior to proceeding. You wouldn’t want to undermine your home’s protection due to pressing a button in error. In addition, your system may have changed if you upgraded from a number pad to a fully digital system. Keep in mind that if you’re unable to figure out how to reset your system, don't be reluctant to call the professionals.

Resetting Your Muncie Security System Because Of A False Alarm

Usually, a false alarm takes place as a result of a sensor that was tripped by accident. You can engage the central hub or bring up the ADT mobile app and touch the shield image and type in your security code to turn off the system for these instances. You may receive notification from your monitoring professionals, but just tell them you had a false alarm.

Resetting Your Alarm Following A Power Outage In Muncie

If the power goes out due to high winds or other factors, you may start hearing a beeping sound from your central command hub. This signifies that the alarm is using the backup battery. To reset your unit and stop the beeping, you should take steps to disarm and rearm your security.

However, if you lose power for prolonged time frame, you could need a total system reset. Follow the instructions in your user’s handbook -- typically by putting in your unique passcode and pressing the off button twice -- and you should be back in business. You might still hear the auxiliary power beeping, as it might not end until your battery is fully charged. Contact your home security specialists if you continue to have difficulties with your ADT controls 20 hours after power is restored.

How To Reset Your Home Security System After Changing A Battery

Occasionally you will have to replace a battery in one of your home security components. In order to accomplish this, you should change your alarm system to "Test Mode" so you avoid triggering a false alarm. After the you replace the old battery, change the system from Test Mode and resume normal operations. If the command center doesn't register the device or the battery indicator is still on, you could require a full reset of your security system.

Tips to Reset Your Muncie Security System When Adding Or Removing A Code

Adding and deleting users can be done on your ADT Command interface and the ADT Control mobile app. You should never require a resetting of your system after adding or removing codes. However, if you move into a new home already equipped with an ADT system, you need to call your residential security experts at (765) 221-8081 to start a new plan. The technician will come out and replace components, install other alarms or cameras (as required), and perform a full reset.

A Well-Designed Security System Is The Right Choice

Resetting a home security system in Muncie can be difficult if it fails to include clear instructions and features. If the time has come to find your functional and powerful alarm system, contact (765) 221-8081 or submit the form below. Our specialists are pleased to design the perfect security system for your property.